Where are Ancient Women of Influence Wielding the Sword of God?


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

The Ancient Woman of Influence: The Ancient Women Found Influence, Not in the Use of Control or Power, But Wielding the Sword of God's Power in Submission

Where are the ancient women of old? Those whom when they speak, heavens open, and before they finish the sentence, the angels of God descend?  Do you wonder why God heeds the request of the praying grandmother, mother, or wife?  God's covenant with women is different. The woman's influence in God's Presence is powerful and endures for generations.

This power has been lost by many women,  and replaced with the "alligator-pepper" kind of spirit. What do I mean by the "Alligator-pepper" kind of spirit - it's the hot spirit that burns anything that comes near it to desolation.  This spirit is an inheritance manifested by the daughters of Jezebel, the daughters of Athaliah and Vashti, all from the resources of satan.

This spirit when at work,  measures up to anyone who has God's breath in them and is ready to measure bitterness, anger, confrontation, manipulation, and defiance from the depths of Sheol.

There used to be a time when women gathered together together to bring heaven's plan for the children in a city to fruition. There used to be a time when women gathered together to advance the trade of a community.  

All that is wiped away from our communities; Now you have a new generation of destructive mothers supervising the ruin of their daughters' marriages, and you have young women leaving their loving husbands at will, just to become predators preying on marriages, seeking peace in the hallowed grounds of the destinies of others while ripping their own lives and characters apart. The once-loving daughters of Jezebel have become the arrogant and strange daughters of Baal.

If you've lived in defiance, or your life as a woman has been shattered by the daughters of Jezebel, the daughters of Athalia, or the daughters of Vashti - God is here to restore and preserve your destiny. This year, we opened up the Ebenezer Gabriels Women Worship Center, so women can keep up with God's knowledge and join uplifting study.  

At the Ebenezer Gabriels Women's Center for Worship Discipleship,  women are learning the ways of the women of old, and putting those destructive ways in the past, to worship the Lord.

The ancient woman of God's kingdom is a helper comparable is a woman like-minded with her husband,  with one goal, to help build a vision.  Usually, a woman is a highly spiritual being and can envision what the purpose looks like, what is needed to build, and how to help but she needs her husband's leadership and authority. 

However, God has not given the power to help a man find his purpose to a woman. So really, no matter how spiritual a woman is, the key to finding a man's purpose is found in the man's soul, and He needs to discover his purpose. 

The woman's influence is wielded wrongly when she takes over the leadership and wears the hat of authority to enforce her desires on her husband and the purpose.  No way does God's blessing follow that.

A woman's influence is not when she forces, nags, manipulates, controls, or schemes for her husband to get her husband to act or perform actions in the ways she desires or seeks to model her husband's destiny and life after someone else but when she utilizes her helpful spirit in nurturing God's purpose for him and their household. It's called control, and the soul of men is embittered towards any woman who controls them. It's God's design. The curse of Eve also alights on such, and when left punched, crosses the borderline into the rule of Jezebel.

Crafting a purpose for a man never works, since you didn't create him. It will never work. Much pain, curses, and afflictions when women tread on the paths of control of their husbands.  God abhors it, and the souls of men abhor it. It leads to further rebellion and much captivity.

The woman of influence is that woman who even though is spiritual, sees what God shows of what could be, yet submits to God's process in her husband's life. The utmost influence of a woman is fulfilled when she becomes a helper comparable to a man awakened to his purpose. 

This month, we're learning to influence right where God has placed us. Blessings are released when we stay in God's place for our lives.

Submission is a gift from God that He has offered all. Submission  is not just for the praying grandmothers, or praying mothers or praying wives, it's for every woman.

Continue Getting Washed in God's Word.


Abigail , the Wife of Ebenezer Gabriels.

Wife | Mom | Teacher and Nurturer of Nations