The Woman's Anointing to Seek the Fulfillment of God's Purpose


By Prophecy Team

During a prophetic worship session, God said to share a Prophetic Word of knowledge and tell a woman, "You were supposed to be a leader in the maritime industry with your own vessels, and I have been speaking to you through dreams, but you have been discarding it and saying, it's just a dream. Sometimes you are even praying against marine witchcraft because of the wrong lessons, but my plans for you have not changed".

She burst into tears and said she dreams all the time seeing herself riding on waters, so she thought she was afflicted by marine spirits, without knowing that before the foundations of the world, God ordained her as an industry captain in the marine industry as a merchant to the nations. Divine interpretation of your dreams is a must for everyone named by the name of Christ. In these current days, many will be disappointed by how they've been misled by those who prophesy by Baal.

 This is one of the main reasons why we rarely host dream interpretation sessions is to reduce the tendency to generalize God's divine information. Many have been misled, destines have been per-vetted and people have long missed their ordained path.

Dreams are God's way of communicating with us. Communication languages and signals used in dreams can go from general to specific, and worshippers must learn to grow in their dream journaling, understanding, and interpretation skills.

The only time God has given us the privilege to hold dream interpretation sessions is during prophetic evangelism or prophecy room sessions to witness and share the manifest power of God accessed by people like Daniel, so worshippers and those who do not believe can experience the power of the Lord Jesus. However, we have not integrated this into our frequent sessions where we host dream interpretations for the following reasons:

1. Communication is one of the bases of information sharing, and so is spiritual communication.

2. Worshippers will get too lazy to spend time communicating with God and will outsource this important part of their lives.

3. Many worshippers may be nurtured into dependency on people rather than the Word of God.

4. The real meanings of dreams may be limited to the lens of the interpreter rather than the pure, unadulterated word of God. Your interpreter's revelation may be limited by their cultural experience, spiritual experiences, or language.

5. By learning to interpret your dreams, you will be grounded and avoid the wrong prophecies spoken into your life, also get information on how to act on your dreams as Daniel did.

A better approach that is more profitable for your soul is learning how to translate your dream based on biblical frameworks. Learn how to translate your own dreams. We've shared outcomes from our dreams in this manual: Dreams and Divine Interpretations.

Dreamers are prophets receiving communication from God through the channel of dreams. Many dreamers have dreams, but the interpretation is missing. Dreaming without interpretation could bring confusion and a loss of direction. When God's children ask, knock, and seek, the Lord opens up the realms of interpretation. The Lord gives Biblical aid to the dreamer to discern the meaning of dreams, and when used effectively, the dreamer enters into dream revelation through the wisdom and mercies of the Lord. This book does not seek to translate dreams but helps the dreamer identify the Scriptural mysteries of dreams and inquiries of the anointed dreamer.