2024 Prophecy Overview - Events That Will Shape 2024


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

It's important to look back at the years before, so we can build with context. As 2023 runs out,  let's look into prophecies we released in 2022 from the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy News Room, concerning what the Lord is doing and what the enemy plans to do in 2023.  Some of these prophecies are also a build-up of what God said in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 2020 documented in our prophetic books and shared in videos across our pages.


2023 Prophetic Snapshot - The Events That Shaped 2023

Many of these prophecies rolled out like a movie right in our faces, and the full prophecies can be found in the books - The Scroll and the Seal 2018 release, America the Past, the Present and the Future, 2020 release,  Herod (2020 release), 41 Weapons of Survival for 2021, Meet the God who SBC 2022, NOAH Book2023. Visit books.ebenezergabriels.org to shop.

Prophetic Overview of 2024 

2024, is spiritually named the Year of the Double Swords. It is a year to be vigilant and to be alert. A year to observe, and a. year that the clueless will be sold. It is also a year to get wisdom, at all costs.  Here are the top insights for 2024

1  It is a Bloody Year Across the World 

2: America: The Parable of the Big and Strong Guy. America’s Deliverance is Coming 

 Imagination will be given a voice,  AI: The World Must Be Careful Not Led Into War By the Hallucination of Systems 

 The Year of Extreme Confrontation where good and evil will combat, and evil will become more brazen. There will be hardship before the calm.

The power to make statements will shift - this is a continuation of the works the Lord began the year before!

 Observe more, speak less. The Clueless will be sold, get wisdom at all cost

The New Church Body is formed - there's an advancement already happening in the church, this advancement progresses, and the church will see a decline in the physical buildings it's because a new church body has formed and the church is advancing. 

Africa must protect its data against data loss. Nigeria must get back to the core of its assignment, so the rug is not yanked off.

The Year of Record Betrayals, spousal betrayals, employee to employer, employer to employee, citizen to government, government to citizen, because the spirit of betrayal is in the air.

Read sample  chapters here


Ark of 2024 Prophecy Room Event

Our virtual prophecy rooms were from October to November, where we hosted general prophecy rooms, and regional prophecy rooms USA, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.  


Content Creators Outlook - there will be the great rise and then the big deep.

Wisdom will be the Principal Possession and Will Triumph Over the Sword of War 

 Fortifying Your Body Parts, a year to be vigilant.

Third-world countries will rise in their space programs.

In all these, the glory carriers will congregate, and the wise will advance God's work on this earth and beyond.

Read More in the 2024 Double Sword Book

Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy News Letter

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